A couple of weeks ago I caught the “crud” that had been going around. I found myself alone on a Saturday night with a temperature of 101. I had been throwing up and was feeling pretty sorry for myself. My cats seemed to care more about their dirty litter box than the fact I had spent half the night on the bathroom floor next to it. So I decided to solicit sympathy via Facebook. People came to my rescue and the outpouring of love and homemade remedies made my little heart smile.
Living alone can be great for an independent soul such as myself. But then there are the times you really miss the comfort of another human being. Interestingly enough though, some of my married friends tell me when they are sick they wish their husbands would take the kids and leave to let them suffer in silence. Other women say their children don’t get it when mom doesn’t feel well so they aren’t even allowed a sick day to mend.
I guess it’s one of those “the grass is always greener” kind of moments. Once I felt better it didn’t bother me to be alone again. And I’m sure once those moms were back to health the constant commotion and calling of their name was music to their ears.
So here’s to sending love out wherever, whenever and to whomever it is needed. And don’t be afraid to ask for it. You don’t want to miss out on all the chicken soup offers or learning that rubbing Vicks VapoRub on your feet and then sleeping with socks on can make you feel better. That’s good information but sometimes just a hug would suffice.
Question: What’s the best “medicine” you’ve received when you were sick?
Um....Dana you don't have a little heart. You have a very big heart. Glad you are feeling better.
I have had some life events in the recent years that have left me emotionally and mentally sick. The best medicine I received was the company of friends.
Oh, how difficult it is to ask for it.
I think you're never too old to call up Mom and ask her to bring over some crackers and ginger ale. I still do it, and I'm 2,000 miles away from home.
Great blog, there, incredible shrinking lady. I'm adding you to my sidebar :)
Great post -- I think the best advice I've heard lately is yours..."So here’s to sending love out wherever, whenever and to whomever it is needed. And don’t be afraid to ask for it."
When I'm sick, I want to be left alone except for the company of my cat, Hans. I've been lucky that everyone I have ever lived with understood that I just want space when I'm sick.
Thanks everyone for your great comments. I'm feeling even more love!!
So I take it the Vicks worked? Love you!
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